For two years now, NASA’s InSight probe has sat on the surface of Mars, attempting to dig 5 meters (16 feet) deep in order to install the lander’s heat probe. The instrument was going to effectively take the planet’s temperature and tell scientists more about the internal thermal activity and geology of Mars.
InSight never even got close to realizing that goal. On January 14, NASA announced that it was ending all attempts to place the heat probe underground. Affectionately referred to as “the mole,” the probe is designed to dig underground with a hammering action. But after the first month of its mission, it was unable to burrow more than 14 inches into the ground before getting stuck. NASA has been working since to come up with some kind of solution, including using InSight’s robotic arm to pin the mole down with added weight to help it loosen up some dirt and get back to burrowing.
Nasa publishes one astronomy-related picture(or videos sometimes) every day, i.e., Astronomy Picture of the Day. But do you know? That there is an API that lets you access that information, and you can make a website out of it? So I recently tried doing that, and this is what I was able to come up with. And here are the steps so you can do it too. 1.Get your API key: You can get your unique API key from .What you need to do is just sign up and this website will generate your API key. We will need this key to use this API which has an Hourly Limit of 1,000 requests per hour. 2.Let's get done with HTML first There are a few things for which we want to make space in our HTML Doc. And those things are title, date picker, date(yyyy-mm-dd), copyright, image/video URL, HD URL in case of the image, explanation about image or video, and footer if you want to add your social handles or something. so this will be our code inside the <...
Heinz begins new range of sauce that is created in the same conditions as Mars. Created by Astrobiologists in a special greenhouse called the redhouse. The redhouse simulates conditions on Mars with heat and soil differences. The special sauce is named the no 57 range. Will not be for sale to the public but will be launched to the international space station ISS.
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